Noah got 4 tickets to the Globetrotters for Christmas. He chose to take his Papa Marc, his dad, and his best friend Steven. They had great seats just behind the Globetrotters bench. Both boys got autographed balls and lots of attention.

Noah got 4 tickets to the Globetrotters for Christmas. He chose to take his Papa Marc, his dad, and his best friend Steven. They had great seats just behind the Globetrotters bench. Both boys got autographed balls and lots of attention.
Posted by Michelle at 1:26 PM 0 comments
We celebrated New Year's Eve at Max Put Put, a really cool indoor glow in the dark miniature golf course. Logan even got a hole in one on one of the holes. The boys worked up such an appatite after 18 holes, that we had to take them to Home Town Buffet for 1 helping of dinner and 3 helpings of desert. I think they had a lot of fun even though we didn't let them stay up until midnight.
We hope that you had a great 2008 and it is our prayer that 2009 will be even better.
Posted by Michelle at 1:00 PM 2 comments