I know everyone is decorating for Christmas and making thier wish lists, but I just couldn't move on till the last of the Halloween pictures had been posted! Seems I just cant get ahead!
Nija, Yoda and motercycle rider-All soo cute! Ethan loved the hat but wanted nothing to do with the rest of his outfit! Got to love toddlers!

Pumkin time! Fun for mom this year because I got to just watch and toast pumkin seeds!

Eeeeww! Pumkin guts!!

Double eeewwww!

Noah at our church Halloween party-they went all out! Slides, games, dinner (and of course CANDY!) -all soo fun for the kids!

How can you resist Santa baby??

Two ninja! beware! The white is Logan and the black nija is his friend Davis. We had a great Halloween. The chuch party was on thursday and halloween on friday, so the kids had more candy then they knew what to do with! (of course I had a few ideas...)