These are pictures of my oldest beutiful baby boy when he was just 3years old...where has the time gone?? A friend of mine was telling us of how she had just had THE talk with her 4th grade son the other day, I smiled to myself smuggly that this sweet little boy (oK he's now 9 !) could not possibly wonder about THAT! I mean I did make it though my whole pregnancy without having to really expalin how I got that way! Then the other day we were shopping and walking in the mall and he said he had a question about what some of the kids were talking about on the playgound....well, there we were. Me totallly unprepared. I winged it. I think I did ok. Not too much information...have to save something for the father-son chat, right? I'm glad he felt comfortable talking to me and hope he will continue to come to me for anything. I still remember my dad giving me THE Talk, it wasnt pretty. Me, him and the encyclopedia. Oh, how time flys. Noah just seems older now that I know he know that stuff. The age of innocence is so short!
Ahh, the talk. Good times :)
Love your new layout, by the way! Looks great!
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