For the 4th of July we headed to Santa Cruz to "camp" in an airstream. Matt has always admired them since he was a kid. I have to admit, it was awesome and I could definately get used to that kind of camping. You get all fun of the campfire, but no long hikes to the bathroom and nice comfy bed to sleep in. It was awesome!!
The best part of camping is the smores!! Logan proved to be quite the marshmello roaster-perfectly golden brown everytime!!

Matt and I both grew up as tent campers...the rougher the better. (His dad was scout leader and my dad a biologist..) airsteams/campers were for softies. I think Im feeling the love of being a bit soft. Unfortunately, we realized that roughing it is much cheaper. This baby starts at 41,000.

While we were camping we were followed by the NBC morning show-they wanted to do a show on getting back to camping as family vacations. The kids loved it-they had mikes on and everything. They were such hams!!

We had an awesome 4th of July-just being together is the BEST!!(got to love those amazing tye dyed shirts too!!)
You were followed by NBC? How cool is that? And now I know what an AirStream is . . .
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