It almost seems wrong to be bloging about camping in October-but this was just a month ago on Labor day weekend. And not to mention, here fall hasn't even begun. It was still a warm 84 degrees today! (technically, this could have been last weekend!)
Logans favorite part of fishing is playing with the bait! Though, this year he lasted a little longer since santa brought the 'rocket fishing rod'. But we are still talking minutes, not hours.

The boys at shaver lake. This is day one. We were allready soo very dirty. Matt even sporting a beard, or is that a 5:00 shadow?

Whats a lake with out sand toys?? Ethan hard at work on the shore.

Matt and Noah attempting sailing. It was an adventure that didnt last long-both kept wodering where the motor was. There was a need for more speed. We had so much fun this weekend at boyscout camp. Tried new things (some we loved, some not so much), got
REALLY dirty and ate mystery meat in the cafateria. Boys came home singing camp songs, more intouch with nature and each other. It was all good. We hope to repeat next year :)
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