For xmas eve brunch we headed over to uncle Bob's. This is always a highlight for my boys. They love to run around, chase chickens, take rides on the old truck and just hang out with family. (It doesnt help that there is always more dessert then food at uncle Bobs too!) Ethan and cousin Jamie
Sunday, February 28, 2010
xmas eve brunch at uncle bobs
Posted by Michelle at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
GingerBread Houses and Tree Triming
This year we deviated from our favorite gingerbread reciepe and it was a MESS! The roof would not stick, the walls kept falling down...after much work and LOTS of frosting we made a house! Good thing we didnt need to pass code... Next year I think I will just lay out a ton of candy and a bowl of frosting and call it good...the house is really just an excuse to eat tons for candy!
Posted by Michelle at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Starting to look a lilttle like Christmas....
The beginning of the Christmas season is always marked with the start of almost nonstop baking! This year I had a new least with cleaning the beaters!! He takes this new responsibilty very seriously!
Posted by Michelle at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
For the 2nd year in a row Matt has coached Dry Creeks Lego Robotics group. The season starts in sep. and ends just before thanksgiving. The boys meet once or twice a week to work on the creating the platform, programming the robot and the presentation project. This year the theme was on transportation. Heres a few pics of the early stages of getting things set up.
Posted by Michelle at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Thanksgivng in Nebraska
This was a very special thanksgiving this year. We were able to visit all our family that we hardly ever get to see in Nebraska. Most specialy the kids got to meet their great grandma, who passed away one week after our visit. When the kids learnd we were going to Nebraska they were excited to see cousins, fly on a plane and snow. Two out of three is not bad! No snow this year, so we played in the leaves!! All week we were there is was windy and cool, but turkey day turned out beutiful:) Cousins Breanna and Monica.
Posted by Michelle at 3:03 PM 0 comments