This year we deviated from our favorite gingerbread reciepe and it was a MESS! The roof would not stick, the walls kept falling down...after much work and LOTS of frosting we made a house! Good thing we didnt need to pass code...
Next year I think I will just lay out a ton of candy and a bowl of frosting and call it good...the house is really just an excuse to eat tons for candy!

Time to deck that tree!

I did this with the boys this makes Matt crazy! So we turned on our Christmas Bop for kids and pulled out the decorations and had at it!

The kids love decorating for Christmas inside and out! They love really get into it!

Even Ethan wanted to help! He kept say "apple -apple" and putting them on the tree! Of cousrse the tree was a little unbalanced...all the non breakables on the bottom and the breakables on top! It all turned out beautiful!! It was offically looking like Christmas in our home!
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