This was a very special thanksgiving this year. We were able to visit all our family that we hardly ever get to see in Nebraska. Most specialy the kids got to meet their great grandma, who passed away one week after our visit. When the kids learnd we were going to Nebraska they were excited to see cousins, fly on a plane and snow. Two out of three is not bad!
No snow this year, so we played in the leaves!! All week we were there is was windy and cool, but turkey day turned out beutiful:) Cousins Breanna and Monica.

King of the leaves!

All the cousins!!

Turkey day is not complete without a game of football!!

Future football player??? Palmers vs Palmers...intense game!!

The farm museum in Nebraska-super cute farm!

Learning about farm equipment

Future farmers

Scottsbluff monument-where the mormon pioneers came through

Learning about our heritage

Scottsbluff Museum

Pizza and movie nite with BOY cousins!! Too much fun!!

Hanging out with cousin Raymond

games with cousing Julian. We had a wonderful time-wish we were closer to all our family!! Love them all!! So much to be grateful for!!
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