I woke up this morning with my 4 month old in bed with us (again). It seems its the only way I can get even a few winks of sleep. The thing is that I realized that I have said continuously that I would Nerver have my child co-sleep. Yet here I am. I also realized that I have snickered at my brother for sitting in the back seat with his baby girl when they drive anywhere. Next time were out as a family-look in the back. Ill be there, trying to keep the peace. I should have Never said Never. I couldnt help but think of all the other times I have said Never...you know "that will Never be my child" the one in the grocery store face down in the toy isle screaming at the top of his lungs. I learned that the hard way. Or my child will Never be called to the principals office, or do that or...the list goes on. I guess thats how our children teach us humility and compassion. Hopefully, with the third child (that I thought I could Never have) I will have learned to control my judgements and refain from saying Never!
13 years ago
So Funny, but so so true! I have also learned to not say never anymore for sure. Seriously Michelle, What a HANDSOME baby he is!! So cute!!
How is Grumpy pants today? I also said I'd NEVER be like my mom, but here I am -- repeating the same phrases, cooking the same things, ignoring the same things -- I learned that the word CRAP was not a bad word from her, so CRAP, I'm my mother's daughter!
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